Control of Mind is the whole gist of Divine Wisdom
– Sri Sivabala Yogi
“Human birth is very difficult to obtain in the divine scheme of things. It is due to accumulated merit of many lives. Having earned this merit, one should not waste this precious opportunity”
– Laghu Guru Upanishad
That which bring everlasting joy, That which brings peace of mind every moment of life and That which takes us directly to Self Realization is the surest way to live. The culprit is our very own mind; thoughts that erupt unceasingly cause turmoil and restlessness.
It is the nature of the mind to look outwards (i.e. towards the world) to satisfy its desires. These attachments may be so strong that one forgets one’s real or true nature of Bliss & Absolute Happiness. Mental tendencies make it difficult to engage the mind in constant contemplation of God.
To improve the quality of life by reducing stress, experiencing divine bliss and to grow spiritually, our focus, at the Sri Sivabala Yogi Kirpa foundation, is three fold:
Practice of Meditation, Developing Divine Love, Carrying out selfless Service.
All of these aim to purify the mind and help with control of mind. These are based on teachings of Sri Sivabala Yogi, revealed in the book Laghu Guru Upanishad.
Click below to know more about each of these:
Salutations to the eternal Guru, who incarnates in every age, to help those who take refuge in Him.
Blessed be they who seek the grace of the Guru, the embodiment of Supreme Silence, the source of yogic power; pure love and divine knowledge.
We envision a spiritually uplifted world where every soul performs their karma (actions) in a selfless manner; motivated by
Love for the divine Lord.
Oh Beloved Lord, light the flame of Kirpa and spread its warmth to those that call upon you. Let the mind rest above maya like a lotus above water.