Divine Love

Our focus, at the Sri Sivabala Yogi Kirpa Foundation is to nurture and encourage others to develop Divine Love with every action, every thought and every deed.
Spiritually, divine Love refers to hearts pining and longing for union with the beloved Lord.
Worldly love (i.e. attachment) causes bondage whereas Divine Love leads to liberation. Divine Love is universal, selfless and very potent means to conquer the ego. It manifests fully when a devotees heart turns into an ocean of Love that regards all objects, animate and inanimate with equal love.
To walk on any spiritual path and to experience the ocean of bliss within, development of Divine Love is of crucial importance.
By meditating constantly and consistently (as taught by the Guru), serving others in spirit of serving God along with sincere prayers are some of the ways in which one can grow Divine Love within. Being solicitous, caring, showing concern or serving others are signs of growth of Love. Love developed along these lines grow into giant tidal waves that rise up to engulf the Lord in its tight embrace.
One should do every action, speak every word and think every deed in spirit of Love. As one progresses spiritually one cannot help but notice the growth of Love in one’s heart. One eventually turns into ocean of Love and sees the whole creation as One.

Those who have Love in their hearts for the unseen Lord are especially blessed and can achieve the goal of Self- Realization very easily.

– Sri Sivabala Yogi