Sri Sivabala Yogi’s basic teaching deals with Control of Mind and it does not advocate any religious beliefs. Mind is the cause of one’s suffering and unhappiness and it also has the power to get rid of them.
Our focus, at the Sri Sivabala Yogi Kirpa Foundation, is to help every individual to kick start their spiritual journey, no matter where one is in their life journey. No prior spiritual experience is necessary. Some people may be following other spiritual practices, they are also welcome to practice Sri Swamiji’s meditation technique. He has not laid down harsh yoga practices, difficult postures or sitting for several hours. Swamiji’s meditation teaching is simple and can be followed by anyone at the comfort of their home, anytime and anywhere that is comfortable to sit. No need to change anything in your daily life but just integrate His meditation & teachings. Any change will happen on its own and at its own time.
Some of the basic questions from Laghu Guru Upanishad have been accounted below for beginners as well as for those who are advanced.
A spiritual quest can be launched by anyone who wants to know why jivas are unhappy, why is there birth and death, how the world originated and so on. One’s own mind provides all the answers if one was to learn to control it through the grace of a Guru.
Read more about Control of Mind here.
Sri Sivabala Yogi’s grace was, and still is, all pervasive. It was, and still is, available to anyone who sought it (or seeks it now).
Finally one must practice till the supreme goal of Self- Realization is reached. Single minded devotion to control the mind and fight its evil tendencies (of attachment, pride, desire, anger, etc) cannot but succeed. Always have the feeling one is not doing enough. There is no way that one would not attain Reality (God or Brahman or Truth or Self- Realization) with an attitude like that!

Reality, too subtle for sensual perception, is to be experienced or Realised and not just discussed intellectually.
– Sri Sivabala Yogi